
TEDxBrianza "CON-TATTO: the sense of society"




Via F. Petrarca, 20 - Verano Brianza

TEDxBrianza "CON-TATTO: the sense of society"

Once again this year, Theatro renews its partnership with TEDxBrianza.

The willingness of TedxBrianza to encourage a culture of innovation, to change perspectives and to go against the grain is the same of Theatro.

This shared mission – ambitious and stimulating – has created a natural affinity of common intentions and synergies between the network that promotes and facilitates the integrated design and the appointment dedicated to the meeting and transmission of inspiring ideas.

On June 12th, we will host the annual event “CON-TATTO: the sense of society”, for an immersive experience able to leave its mark, to activate and generate new forms of connection that can “cross the limit”.

The talks will be dedicated to the discovery of the value of contact and relationship, and the aspects related to the sense of touch: a form of connection not only physical, but also of disposition of mind and of openness to the other.

On stage, they will alternate eight speakers of high level, coming from completely different sectors: experts in communication, jurists, scientists, architects, sociologists and many others.

The event will take place in two different modalities:

Online event: reserved access to the dedicated platform to follow live the event, the talks of the speakers, but also workshops and unique performances.

Live event: tickets will be soon available in limited numbers to attend the event on location.